Submission Information

Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Submit a manuscript to the Journal of Scholarly Engagement

Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts for possible publication in the Journal of Scholarly Engagement (JSE). JSE publishes original material highlighting faculty scholarly engagement in which faculty have applied their disciplinary knowledge in applied and integrative activities. As is the nature of refereed journals, acceptance and publication of original manuscripts is a competitive process. 

JSE is accepting the following manuscript types for this issue:

  • Community engagement portfolios (see submission page for a guide)
  • Reflective practice on applied and integrative scholarly activities (see submission page for a guide for writing a reflective practice)
  • Professional profiles (see submission page for a guide for writing a profile)
  • Empirical research on applied and integrative scholarly activities
  • Literature reviews/theoretical papers on applied and integrative scholarly activities

To submit your manuscript for publication consideration, view the submission guidelines at the following link: 

Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts for possible publication in JSE. JSE publishes original material highlighting theoretical and empirically-based research articles, critical reflection pieces, and cast studies. Manuscripts must be appropriately grounded within relevant literature and justified with theory, evidence, and/or research; qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods are appropriate.

Submission Deadline

Submission Deadline

This journal publishes twice a year (November and June) and accepts manuscripts for consideration on a rolling basis. The review process may take three or more months, depending upon the peer review timeline and number of submissions. Once the review process is complete, authors will receive a decision notification (accept, revise and resubmit, or reject). Please note manuscript assignment to a specific journal issue is at the discretion of the editorial staff. Authors will receive a second notification once a decision is made on the journal issue assignment.

Types of Submissions

Types of Submissions

  • Theoretical
  • Empirical research
  • Critical reflection on practice
  • Case Study
  • Innovative methodologies and applications
  • Professional development
  • Guide for Reflective Practice
  • Community Engagement Portfolio
  • Professional Profile
  • Special Issues

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript Preparation

JSE hosts a range of research strategies; most common formats include theoretical, empirical, critical reflection, case study, and classroom innovation. Submissions should clearly highlight the significance and implications of the investigation to computer-mediated learning; all manuscripts should be formatted according to APA Style. The American Psychological Association (2010) provides the following general guidelines for communicating your scholarly work:

  • Present the problem, question or issue early in the manuscript.
  • Show how the issue is grounded, shaped, and directed by theory.
  • Connect the issue to previous work in a literature review that is pertinent and informative but not exhaustive.
  • State explicitly the hypotheses under investigation or the target of the theoretical review.
  • Keep the conclusions within the boundaries of the findings and/or scope of the theory.
  • Demonstrate how the study or scholarly approach has helped to address the original issue.
  • Identify and discuss what theoretical or practical implications can be drawn from this work.

Suggestions for effective manuscript submissions:

  • Title: Titles should not exceed 15 words and should provide a clear introduction to the point of your manuscript.
  • Abstract: The abstract is a short summary (50-100 words) of your work that provides the key information for readers to determine their interest in reading the complete article. The abstract should be “accurate, self-contained, nonevaluative, coherent, and readable” (Calfee & Valencia, 2001).
  • Body: Information should be organized and sub-titled to facilitate flow and understanding of key issues. Authors should use APA Style guidelines to organize and present information in a manner that is easily communicated to readers. JSE has no length limitations for manuscripts; authors are encouraged to be direct and concise to maintain a focus on key issues. Authors are encouraged to include a section that explains how the study aligns/intersects with the Boyer model, and which specific Boyer domains/functions are applicable to this inquiry (application, discovery, integration, or teaching).
  • References: Carefully select references to ensure that citations are current and relevant; prioritize credible, published sources that have proven pertinent and valuable to the relevant investigations.
  • Tables, Figures, Appendices & Graphics: When necessary, include supporting documents to illustrate findings, relevance or utilization of materials. Prioritize supplements that promote easy, efficient integration of suggestions, findings or techniques into classroom (such as rubrics, assignments, etc.) applications.

Manuscript (including citations and references) must strictly follow APA style as dictated by the 7th Edition of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (

Manuscripts must be written in clear English.

Maximum length of submission is thirty pages (A4 or Letter size with one inch margins), double spaced, including abstract, appendices, references, figures, and tables (with some length exceptions for supporting documents). 

Additional Information


JSE charges no fees. Aligned with the mission of open access publishing, JSE does not charge submission, article, processing, author or access fees.

Original Work

Submission to JSE indicates that the manuscript (or a similar version of it) has not been previously published, accepted for publication, and/or is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. 

Identifying Information

To facilitate the masked portion of the manuscript review process, the author’s name and other identifying information should NOT appear anywhere on the manuscript (including the title page); the manuscript should be written in a generalized fashion that does not directly divulge authorship or institutional affiliation.


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Guide for Reflective Practice (GRP):

Community Engagement Portfolio:

Professional Profile:

Special Issues:

Guide for Reflection on Interdisciplinary Problems (GRIP):


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Guides for Authors

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Call for Papers: /submission

Review Process: /review

Contact: /contact

Submit a Manuscript: /home/submit

Read Current Issue:

Browse Past Issues:


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Journal Information

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JSE Home:


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