Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2019

Volume 2: Issue 1, June 2019

The Community Engagement Portfolio: Documenting Faculty Community Engagement


Scott W. Greenberger

Grand Canyon University


Morgan McNaughton

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2019.2.1.1

As we complete our third issue, it is important to reflect on the success our journal has achieved over the past 2 years. As mentioned in the first editorial, the purpose of the Journal of Scholarly Engagement is to address the need to provide an effective and innovative way to document unconventional scholarship in the Boyer domains of scholarship of application and integration (Boyer, 1990; Greenberger & Mandernach, 2018). Although the journal accepts empirical and theoretical scholarship, the primary focus is on the three innovative manuscript types: reflective practice manuscripts, professional profiles, and community engagement portfolios. Now completing the third issue, we have desk and peer-reviewed 21 manuscripts for publication. The entire editorial team would like to thank the numerous peer reviewers for their tireless contributions in providing insightful feedback to both accepted and rejected manuscripts and for recommending submissions for publication. This new issue, with an introduction to community engagement portfolios, provides the latest evidence of the countless hours dedicated by our staff in making our journal a success. We would also like to thank the Executive Editor, B. Jean Mandernach, and the Advisory Board, Henry T. Radda, Emily D. Sallee, PhD, and Sarah Singletary Walker, for their support and guidance throughout this process.


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Ripples of Change in Honduran Communities


Charles Seeley

Grand Canyon University

The Leadership Center (Honduras)


Elida Florentina Sierra Solórzano

The Leadership Center (Honduras)


Karen RamirezThe Leadership Center (Honduras)


Norbentina Alvarez Osorno 

Little Hands, Big Hearts Foundation (Honduras)


Mary Maldonado

The Leadership Center (Honduras)


Lenis Garcia

The Leadership Center (Honduras)


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2019.2.1.2

Electronic news media from around the world declare the problem: “Honduran migrant group treks north as US calls for tighter borders” (Palencia, 2018), and “Trump warns Honduras over migrant caravan now in Guatemala” (Perez, 2018). Thousands flee poverty and crime in Honduras to pursue the dream of a better life in the US; a life that few of these determined migrants will ever enjoy. While it is commendable that news outlets highlight this dire situation, few will publish stories of those who remain in Honduras, overcome the day-to-day challenges, and take steps to change their lives, the lives of family members, the lives of community members, and ultimately the country of Honduras. This community engagement portfolio fills a gap in the literature and in the global news media. This paper describes a portfolio of community engagement initiatives that begins at The Leadership Center in rural Honduras with ripples continuing out to communities across Honduras. Three graduates and two students of The Leadership Center serve as co-authors on this paper, telling their personal stories and the stories of their engagement in their communities.


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Leading a Community Engagement Approach for Integral Mission in Central Africa and Southeast Asia


Jason Paltzer

University of Madison- Wisconsin


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2019.2.1.3

Community engagement is essential in global health mission organizations in order to effectively integrate physical and spiritual health. I experienced a progression in understanding faith-based community engagement in global health during my time as a health director in central Africa and Southeast Asia. The Facilitator phase of this progression leads to understanding the systems and networks as described by the Social-Ecological Model (SEM) and the Holistic Worldview Analysis (HWVA) model. Together, these can be used to guide church workers, faith-based public health practitioners, and development leaders in taking a holistic approach to improving community health and well-being in a way that learns from my experience and focuses on the Facilitator phase as the most effective. Integral mission understands that the physical and spiritual determinants of health are inseparable but is often challenged by diverse partnerships, community beliefs, and assumptions influencing cross-cultural health initiatives. Together, the SEM and HWVA models support a holistic community engagement strategy for integral mission to take place.  


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The Shared Reflective Practice of Co-Planning an Undergraduate Education Course between Online and Face-To-Face Teacher Educators


Katy Sell

Grand Canyon University


Brandon Juarez

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2019.2.1.4

The current paper presents a reflective account of two teacher educators, from different instructional modalities, co-planning an undergraduate face-to-face education course. Wenger’s writing around communities of practice provided the theoretical underpinning for the reflections put forward and contextual information regarding how the co-planning transpired. From a critical standpoint, observations and reflections related to the communication, challenges (and successes), and pedagogical decision-making between education colleagues are considered. Three central challenges are explored through the reflective lens: length of course between modalities, norming and autonomy, and scheduling between teacher educators to co-plan throughout the academic face-to-face semester. The qualitative nature of the study provides thick and rich detail pertaining to the shared reflections of the two teacher educators. The paper concludes with recommendations surrounding the continued exploration of how the instructional modality plays part in the co-planning process. 

Keywords: Teacher educators, modalities, higher education, co-planning, reflective practice

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Failing Gracefully: A Reflection on Scholarship Engagement in Engineering

Felicia Green

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2019.2.1.5

The reasons women engineers decide to resign the engineering field has been a significant focus in the current STEM literature due to high turnover rates of qualified women engineers from the profession (Fouad, Chang, Wan, & Singh, 2017; Singh, Zhang, Wan, & Fouad, 2018). While there is a significant number of women engineers that leave the profession due to the work environment and organizational structure of the engineering field, there are some that remain despite the adversity (Fouad et al., 2017; Singh et al., 2018). The purpose of this article is to provide insights into the elements that constructed my decision-making process, which resulted in a decision to persist working in engineering. In following John Dewey’s critical reflection process, elements of my decision-making process considered the effect of stress on decision-making, the influence of identity development, and the influence of scholarly engagement on my persistence and final decision to remain in the engineering industry. As a result, the management of my physiological stress responses allowed for engagement in these scholarly activities in and outside of my school work. Furthermore, the engagement in scholarly activities are suggested to have strongly influenced the enrichment of established engineering identities.

Keywords: Reflection, scholarly engagement, women engineers, persistence, doctoral identity, John Dewey

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Postdoctoral Research and Informal Mentoring: A Reflective Inquiry

Sandi M. Van Lieu

Yavapai College

Manyu Li

University of Louisiana at Lafayette


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2019.2.1.6

This article reflects on an informal mentoring project that took place between an established faculty member with grant-writing and research experience and another faculty member who was finishing her doctoral degree and had no experience in applying for grants or submitting to peer-reviewed publications. After the project, the doctoral student reflected on her experience using Graham Gibbs’ reflective model and discovered why this mentor/mentee relationship was effective despite the fact that all communication took place via email. The results were the authors concluding how important mentorships are for doctoral students.

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Instructor-Created Videos: Connecting with Students Beyond the Classroom


Mark Wireman

Grand Canyon University


Laura Terry

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2019.2.1.7

With the advancement of technology, new methods for delivering content are rapidly being presented. Two faculty from different disciplines implemented tutorial videos into introductory courses in psychology and physiology to address problems that pointed to a need for additional supplemental resources. Instructor-created videos, using Loom software, focused on supplementing course content, clarifying course expectations, enhancing student experience, providing additional information related to course requirements, and providing feedback on graded assignments. The instructors met regularly during the 2017-2018 academic year to discuss how the videos were being used and surveyed students to gain their feedback regarding the implementation of the videos. It was believed that by clarifying course content and assignment directions through the implementation of instructor-created videos students would be better prepared to meet the rigorous expectations in the courses where videos are included. Instructors reflected upon the collaborative process utilized to brainstorm methods for creating videos to support their courses and student feedback related to the usefulness of instructor-created videos implemented.


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The Role of Value Judgment in Congruent Personalities, Trait Authenticity, and Authentic Leadership


Malcolm North

University of Central Arkansas


Julie Nelson

Grand Canyon University


Clifford Hurst

Westminster College


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2019.2.1.8

Research in value-behavior relations has yet to explore the role of value judgment in predicting authentic trait and behaviors. This study explored how individual value orientation and judgment relate to psychological maturity in the development of an authentic and congruent personality. A regression analysis with 346 working professionals examined if value judgment predicts psychological congruence and authenticity in personal and professional contexts. In addition, the relationship between value judgment and trait authenticity in 157 working adults and 83 supervisors from education, health, and non-profit organizations in the U.S was explored. Value judgment was measured by two profiles of the Hartman Value Profile (HVP), a judgment profiling instrument delineating the thinking, evaluation, problem-solving patterns, and orientation in 52 indices in personal (HVPII) and social domains (HVPI). Trait authenticity was measured with the Authenticity Scale (AS) comprising of three subscales measuring authentic living, self-alienation, and capacity to resist external influence. Support was found for all hypotheses testing for associations between value judgment and authenticity, and if value judgment predicted psychological congruence and authentic leadership and further identifies the type of value judgment used in the constructs of congruence and authenticity.


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Online Publication Date: June 30, 2019

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