
Professional Profile: Facilitating Research Education to Research-Naïve, Healthcare Professionals

Sophia R Miranda, Grand Canyon University


Having available research education for novice researchers and other healthcare professionals not currently in the field, allows them to gain knowledge of federal regulations and guidelines associated with conducting human subject research in a healthcare setting. Research education also provides optimal procedures to conduct a successful research study. Therefore, the purpose of facilitating the Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) 101 training to research-naïve healthcare professionals is to further their exposure to the field and expand their knowledge on the foundation of research, theories, design, and methodologies that are used to conduct clinical and social behavioral research.

Additionally, there is an end-of-training exam that allows the learner to demonstrate their knowledge on what they learned during the training, to ensure that each learner retains the knowledge given. As a result, the primary outcome to this activity is the knowledge gained by the learner.

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