Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2018

Volume 1: Issue 1, June 2018



Documenting and Disseminating Unconventional Scholarship

Scott W. Greenberger

Grand Canyon University

B. Jean Mandernach

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2018.1.1.1

The Journal of Scholarly Engagement was developed to provide faculty an academic outlet to document and disseminate scholarship primarily in Boyer’s domains of application and integration. The foundation of this new academic journal is Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered. In 1990, Boyer and his colleagues at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching responded to the then, and current, predominant definition of scholarship—one that primarily involves conducting discovery research and publishing results (Boyer, 1990; Moser, 2014). In rethinking what it meant to engage in scholarship, Boyer proposed a more comprehensive model, extending beyond a view limited to scholarship of discovery (i.e., empirical research), to recognize scholarship of integration, application, and teaching. This new model (frequently termed the “Boyer model”) expanded the definition of scholarship beyond merely “conducting discovery research” and “publishing results” to fully embrace the broader purpose of the professoriate.


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From Darkness to Light: Students Create and Complete Self-Generated Activities in a Dystopian Novel Unit

Mary Powell

Grand Canyon University

Maria Zafonte

Grand Canyon University

doi: 10.9743/JSE.2018.1.1.2


In this reflective piece, two English educators, one high school level and one secondary level, detail how they employed a project-based approach to tackling texts that were problematic for their classrooms. Students in both classes were given control of their learning through a small group approach where they set the deadlines, the assignments, and the outcomes in their work with dystopian texts. Placing the responsibility for learning in the hands of the class was an empowering and motivating experience for the students and an act of reflective practice for the instructors.


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Social Studies Reflective Paper

Marjaneh Gilpatrick

Grand Canyon University

Tracy Vasquez

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2018.1.1.3

Two College of Education administrators who also served as adjunct faculty members decided to embark on team teaching a social studies methods course in a teacher preparation program. The analysis of the literature review indicated that very few studies had been conducted on the topic. 

After reflecting about the benefits of previous PreK-12-grade team-teaching experiences, the writers chose to team teach a methods of teaching social studies course to students in the undergraduate elementary education program of study. Additionally, they sought to examine whether pairing of novice with seasoned faculty would be beneficial to both. Previously, this approach had not occurred at the college. The analysis of the results indicated that team teaching paired with known best practices in higher education instruction can be an effective approach to instruction. Further, the practice seemed to increase both faculty members’ professional development and instructional effectiveness.

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Use of Reflective Practice in Teaching Two Online Doctoral Research Courses

Cristie McClendon

Grand Canyon University

Jodee Jacobs

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2018.1.1.4

The purpose of this article was to explore the use of reflective practice in teaching in two online doctoral research courses. Gibbs’ (1988) model was used as a framework for reflection. The steps from this model are centered on description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusions, and action plans to enrich one’s practice. Two faculty members collaborated to discuss concerns related to doctoral learners’ struggles with being able to identify and evaluate key components of research studies. Results from reflections indicated the faculty identified that students held some responsibility for self-direction and completing their assignments. However, faculty identified that three areas could be improved upon in future courses. Assignment instructions need to be further clarified. Scaffolding strategies such as classroom assessment techniques, exemplar papers, Zoom conferences, and clarifying questions are necessary to facilitate student success. Finally, more focused feedback specific to the assignments for students to use on future work is necessary. Recommendations for future research include a study of learners’ perspectives of how they use feedback to learn how to identify research study components, chow use of classroom assessment techniques can be used to scaffold instruction in online courses where the materials are preloaded, and differences between individual and team reflective practices.

Keywords: Reflective practice, Gibbs Model, Feedback, Scaffolding, Assignments

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Reflection: Psychological Flow for Job-Seeking Adults with Autism

Daniel Kaufmann

Grand Canyon University

Terri Ferguson-Lucas

Grand Canyon University

Melissa A. Milliken

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2018.1.1.5

Challenges faced by people with autism often present complications with finding success across multiple settings, which can include the workplace. As three counselor educators who have worked with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), we have identified this as a common issue for ASD individuals seeking employment. This can involve numerous difficulties, including the maintaining of a form of work, which can be experienced successfully by the individual over time. Recently, it has been identified that utilization of Vocational Rehabilitation services has a significantly positive impact on employability of ASD youth at various levels of development. As with most supportive services, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) approaches dramatically benefit from strength-based strategies for securing the forms of situational improvements ideally suited for the individual being served. People with autism present an additional challenge in the limited scope of activities, which are interesting enough to form a reasonable expectation that repetition will occur in a manner required by many entry-level jobs. It is beneficial for such individuals to participate in a supportive environment, with a set of task expectations that fall in range of their specific skillset. Achieving a balance between an individual’s skillset and the presented challenge leads to a phenomenon of the person becoming captivated by a given activity during a subconscious connection called “psychological flow.” This reflection explores the potential efficacy of using the principle of psychological flow development within the workplace and other related life areas typically encountered by those seeking to overcome interpersonal obstacles while improving task-related skillsets. 


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Reflecting: Faculty Application as a Doctoral Learner

Sonya Berges

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2018.1.1.6

Online instruction is an alternative to the traditional classroom setting yet without intentional planning and design, students may feel isolated and alone. Intentional strategies within a learning management system allow faculty members to put research-based theory into practice. While studying for my doctoral degree it was unexpected how the new learning and experiences would inform my role as an online faculty member. This article presents a reflective perspective of how ideas and knowledge gained through doctoral learning informed the practice of online instruction leading to the contribution of ideas and collaboration with fellow scholars. Utilizing the reflective practice criteria established by Dewey, evidence supports personal, academic, and professional growth.

Keywords: connection, online learning, isolation, faculty practice, doctoral learner, sense of community, reflective practice


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Leadership Effects on Teacher Morale

Stephanie Ann West

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2018.1.1.7

This integrated reflection examines leadership effects on teacher morale. Leadership styles can have a positive or negative influence on the culture and climate of a classroom, school, or district. Hoyt and Price (2015) stated that leaders need to use their core values and keep in mind their relationships with those that follow them when making decisions that change or affect the organizational climate, culture, vision, and goals.  To be effective, leaders must merge their social roles within an organization, along with their ethical core values to build efficient and effective organizations that will be productive and prosperous within their given fields. By aligning these models, Schon’s (1983) Reflective Practitioner Model and Dewey’s (1909) Reflective Thinking Model, the integrated reflection of this paper will examine the role that leadership styles play in developing a positive school culture that builds up teacher and staff morale and where students of all ages are able to achieve and grow academically. This reflection will show how leadership styles, positive and negative, can affect one individual, how the leadership concepts learned as a doctoral student led me to become a better adjunct professor within the College of Education, and the leadership skills I gained that I plan to take with me as I move forward in my career as an educator and leader.


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Developing Professional Identity: A Reflection on Practice in a Developing Role

Terila Johnson

Grand Canyon University


doi: 10.9743/JSE.2018.1.1.8

The purpose of this reflection on practice was to reflect on how my professional identity developed through supporting dissertation chairs within the evolving supervisory and coaching aspects of becoming a research specialist. The conceptual lenses for this reflection were derived from strands of research on reflective practice, professional identity, and doctoral supervision. By reflecting on a supervising and coaching process as a research specialist, I offer insight into the dynamics of professional identity within a changing profession. This fulfills the need to understand the changing aspects of a profession by reflecting on the development of professional identity, given the supervisory and coaching aspects as a research specialist in the doctoral college are constantly evolving. A collaborative partnership was formed between several dissertation chairs and myself with regard to learners, which in turn has served as a basis for future interactions. Future reflections on practice using alternative models and other practices as a research specialist will help to strengthen my professional identity and practice.


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Online Publication Date: June 30, 2018

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