Volume 5, Issue 2, November 2022

Volume 5: Issue 2, November 2022

Editorial: When You Can’t Change the Wind, Adjust Your Sails


Thomas D. Dyer, PhD

Editor in Chief, Journal of Scholarly Engagement


The Journal of Scholarly Engagement has gone through quite the transformation over the last few months. We are excited to welcome the new JSE editorial staff: Thomas Dyer, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Kelly Maguire, EdD, Associate Editor, John Steele, PhD, Associate Editor, and Jenny Kuban, Managing Editor. Thank you, Scott Greenberger, EdD for your vision as Editor-In-Chief since 2018 and your continued contribution as Executive Editor of the JSE. We are grateful for the dedication of this editorial staff that will continue to lead the JSE to new heights.

Abstract and Paper

Reflecting on Training to Facilitate Collaborative Online International Learning Courses


Amy M. Anderson, EdD

Spokane Community Colleges


The purpose of this reflective practice was to explore an unexpected revelation that Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) courses are an engaging and equitable way to enhance my students’ intercultural communication skills. This discovery happened after participating in a COIL training designed to mimic a virtual global exchange course. In this training, I learned to work collaboratively with an international teaching partner to design a course that would include a problem-based learning project with students from the United States and Brazil. Through the reflective process, my views about online learning were transformed, and I discovered that virtual learning could be collaborative and engaging. I also realized that COIL is a cost-effective alternative to study abroad programs where students can learn about various cultures. This reflective manuscript details my experience as I participated in training to facilitate COIL courses. A subsequent manuscript will elaborate on the reflective practice of my experience teaching a COIL class.


Keywords: reflection, collaborative online international learning, intercultural communication skills

Abstract and Paper

Maintaining Efficiency and High Standards in A New Work Environment 


Lynn Basko, EdD

Grand Canyon University

Since the COVID lockdown era, many faculty members have faced a change in a work situation, either changing working environments, changing modalities, or both. These changes can lead to stress and struggles with efficiency and maintaining high standards for students and self. This article describes research-based strategies I used throughout this experience to reduce stress and increase efficiency. I discovered these strategies through reflective practice and a literature review to support the ideas. Andragogy and the educational ergonomics model were used as theoretical foundations. These strategies included reflective practice, goal setting, creating a schedule, and staying connected with colleagues. This article describes how to implement these strategies to increase effectiveness and allow faculty members to focus their time on maintaining high standards for their students and their own work.


Keywords: Efficiency, Stress Management, Reflective Practice, Goal-Setting, COVID

Abstract and Paper

Creating an Effective Conference Presentation: A Reflective Practice on Challenges in Creating an Effective Conference Presentation


Matthew Downing, EdD

Upper Darby School District 

The purpose of this reflective practice was to examine my conference presentations to K-12 teachers and administrators in order to increase their effectiveness. I have often felt frustrated by my conference presentations not accomplishing their intended objective for the attendees. I possessed a general understanding of the suspected reasons; however, I wanted to identify specifics so that I could implement change through a conference presenting protocol (Appendix A). This reflection occurred through a series of three conference presentations. This allowed me to iterate through each conference presentation, focus on specific areas, and arrive at beneficial insights. Ultimately, this reflective practice demonstrated the need to keep the audience central, narrow the focus, and provide guided assistance with the design thinking process. The lessons learned will assist in creating more effective conference presentations, which can also be applied to additional contexts, such as leading professional development for K-12 teachers.


Keywords: reflective practice, John Dewey, conference presentation, design thinking process, audience, narrow focus, action step

Abstract and Paper

Motivating and Engaging Students: Reflections on Gamifying Online Courses Through a Digital Badging Program


Thomas D. Dyer, PhD

Grand Canyon University 


R. Jacob Aroz

Grand Canyon University


The purpose of this reflective critique was to explore faculty approaches to engage and motivate students while promoting community and building skills in the online classroom. One of the primary benefits of this critique is to bring focus to this often-overlooked aspect of gamification, students’ unsolicited feedback addressing the feasibility of digital badges in the online classroom. This reflective critique was supported by the theoretical framework of Lev Vygotsky and the theory of social development. We focused explicitly on the constructs of digital badging and gamification. We analyzed unsolicited student comments, which were useful in revealing additional information about student perceptions of a digital badging program. The implications of this type of analysis have value in its ability to reveal patterns in previously unused data that can be used to reflect on classroom practices. Data analysis resulted in four themes addressing the digital badging program: (a) digital badges motivate students in the online classroom, (b) digital badges promote community in the online classroom, (b) digital badges reward student participation in the online classroom, and (c) digital badges encourage skill development in the online classroom. While there are challenges in creating a digital badging program, most notably time, positive student and instructor experiences encouraged us to move forward.

Keywords: digital badges, social presence, motivation, participation, engagement, skill development, community, reflection, gamification, technology

Abstract and Paper

End of Course Feedback: A Reflective Look at What Is Really Helpful and A Proposal For Change


Denise Krupp 

Grand Canyon University

College student end-of-the-semester evaluations of their college instructors and class experiences are meant to be used as a tool to reflect on the success of teaching effectiveness and future changes needed. However, these evaluations are limited, come after the semester has ended, and have many confluent factors affecting the outcome. Ideally, useful assessments need to be given regularly, providing a clearer picture of the class needs and assessing not only the classroom experience but also the relationship with the instructor. This reflection is one instructor’s insight into the need for ongoing student feedback in the classroom. It will show the importance of not only teaching effectively by getting regular feedback from students but also the importance of developing rapport and alliance in the classroom, which is a factor in increasing student learning satisfaction. Over the years, the counseling profession has adapted a way for clients to provide regular feedback on the client/counselor relationship. The feedback provides regular and consistent information for the therapist on how the therapeutic process and relationship are doing. This feedback is a relatively new trend in counseling, and now many agencies are implementing a form of it. This style of getting feedback from the client is a type of “customer satisfaction” survey. It provides counselors with real-time feedback on clients’ perceptions and can provide a springboard for dialogue for change. While there are many differences between counseling and teaching, this style of regular feedback may enhance classroom instruction.

Keywords: feedback, assessment, reflective practice, rapport, student satisfaction, student alliance

Abstract and Paper

A Preliminary Pilot Study Of The College Exodus Health Professions Program In San Bernardino County, CA


John C. Park, PhD

Department of Psychology, California Baptist University

The College Exodus Health Professions (CEHP) program is a multidisciplinary health professions (HP) enrichment pipeline program for African American (AA) students in San Bernardino County, California. The main components of the program are the following: academic enrichment and hands-on exploration into the HP, such as nursing, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, allied health, and public health. Participants include 48 predominantly AA students from 7th to 12th grades. Results of the pilot study show promising improvements in the awareness and knowledge of the HP after the participation in the program as well as increased academic motivation, social support, and academic and career goals. Policy implications and further developments are discussed.


Keywords: pipeline programs, health professions, racial ethnic minorities, AA, cultural diversity

Abstract and Paper

A Biblical Approach to Teaching Leadership Skills for Future Public Administrators


Evelyn M. Racette, MPA 

College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Grand Canyon University 

Leadership is an ambiguous term. Many people think they know the meaning, yet, when they describe it, vagueness and ambiguity show a lack of understanding. Public administrators must demonstrate clarity in their leadership. To address this, a class activity was crafted to equip future public administrators by defining and teaching the art and techniques of leadership. The activity combined biblical text, scholarly models, and current events in a small discussion-based public administration class. A verse-by-verse reading of Genesis 3 and 2nd Samuel 11-24, paired with academic models such as Fairholm’s (2004) Leadership Perspective Model (see Figure 2) and current events studies, prepares future public administrators for leadership. The discussion-led activity pushes students beyond their current understanding into the study and practice of leadership.


Keywords: biblical text, leadership, public administrators, King David, management, impostor phenomenon

Abstract and Paper

Online Publication Date: November 30, 2022

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